`•.☆.¸¸.☆.•´ 📢 SHIPPING UPDATE: Teas are currently shipping! 🌿 All plants and seeds will begin shipping on April 14th — thank you for your patience and support! `•.☆.¸¸.☆.•´

Plant Care

All plants I use in my decors require very minimal maintenance.  If you are someone who claims to have a “black thumb” why not try adopting a Marimo pet!  They are adorable and super easy to care for.  Scroll down to find how easy it is to care for the plants I work with in my decors.


Where should a Marimo Aquarium be placed?
Your Marimo aquarium can be placed anywhere with bright to moderately bright light, and away from direct sunlight.  If your space does not have a window, fluorescent light is also fine for it.

What kind of maintenance does it require?
To keep your Marimo healthy, provide filtered water (filtered tap water or bottled water) so there is no chlorine to harm the furry thing.  Change the water every 2 weeks, or whenever you notice the water is cloudy.  On a warmer day, check to make sure the water stays cool.  If it gets warm, change the water and keep the aquarium in a cooler place.

Since the water in the aquarium is still, once in a while, use your finger to push your Marimo around to ensure all of its sides will stay green.

For your larger Marimos, a bath can be performed when it looks dirty. Click here to watch my demo on this!

What does brown spots on a Marimo mean?
Like any other plants, there will be new growth, and some older growth may have to leave.  The brown spots can be caused by the Marimo sitting on the same spot for too long (a few weeks or a month, even longer) not allowing light to get into those areas.  These brown spots can be removed by lighting trimming it away.  The hair of the Marimo will slowly grow back.

Why are some of the hair white?
This may be a sign of sunburn.  When you notice this occurrence, check if the location you place your aquarium is too warm.  Marimo likes indirect sunlight, or weak sunlight, and water temperature to remain cool.  Strong direct sunlight, or warm water can cause sunburn to the Marimo.  You can lightly trim off the white hair, and the green hair will slowly grow back.

What is the fuzzy stuff clouding around the Marimo?
When you see the fuzzy stuff clouding around the Marimo, or floating in the water there is no need to worry. These are other algae that are producing. Simply clean the Marimo, and change the water.

I see a bunch of bubbles in the water surrounding my Marimo, what does it mean?
When the location your Marimo is at gets bright enough, your furry friend will produce photosynthesis; thus, creating bubbles, and even float to the top. The Marimo also tend to become more green if it gets enough filtered light so placing it in a cool and bright area is the key to a happy Marimo!





Baby Marimo

Due to the young age of a baby Marimo, no bath is needed since it is still fragile.  All it needs is to live in filtered water (filtered tap, or bottled water).  Change the water about every two weeks or when you notice the water getting cloudy.  Keep your baby Marimo in a location with indirect sunlight.  That's it!  Now enjoy watching your Marimo grow.


Cacti & Succulent

Where should I place my decor?
It’s best to keep your cacti and succulent decors in any bright/well lit locations such as a room with a window, or bright fluorescent lights.

The smaller the opening of your terrarium, the more heat and moisture it will trap so it is best to place it further away from a window that receives intense afternoon heat such as your south facing window.  If you place your terrarium close to a window, it’s always good to put your finger in the terrarium to check the temperature  on a warmer day.

How much water does my decor need?
What’s great about these eco-friendly plants is that they require very little water. Generally 2-3 tea spoons of water is enough for each of these plants, and you won’t have to water them for the next 2-3 weeks.  If the room gets warmer on those really hot summer days, they may require watering a little more often.  Remember, it’s always best to under water rather than over water them.

In the winter, these plants need water as little as once a month, or no water at all if the temperature reaches around 40F (4.45C) or below.

How do I water my decor?
Put a straw in a glass of water, place your finger on the top opening of the straw to extract some water to release it on the base of the plant. Click here to watch my demo on this!

*For your Zen Garden:
push away some sand that’s close to the plant so the water can go directly into the roots.  This will also help lessen the amount of sand from getting too wet.  If sand does get a little wet and clumpy, give it some time to dry and it will be ready for you to play again!


Air Plant (Tillandsia)

Where should I put Air Plants?
Air plants, AKA Tillandsia, thrive best in a location that gets at least 10-12 hours of daylight.  That’s why it is important to find a location with very bright indirect sunlight to house your Air Plants.  If you decide to place them near a window that gets intense afternoon sun, be sure to check if your air plants are getting too warm.  If they are, move them further away from the window. South or southwest facing windows in certain regions can get pretty hot and dry in the summer.

Avoid placing your Air Plants near a vent especially in the winter since it tends to dry out your Air Plants faster.

How much water does my decor need?
Since Air Plants don’t grow in soil, watering means to take them out of their glass containers, and let them completely submerged in filtered water (filtered tap water or bottled water) overnight about once every 2 weeks.  So before heading to bed, let your Air Plants submerge in water then take them out in the morning.  Make sure shake off excess water and place them upside down until they are dry.  Once dried, you can place them back in their homes!

Though the general rule is to submerge them in water once every 2 weeks.  However, if the air has been dryer and warmer such as the summer period, you can soak them more often such as once a week.

In the winter, if it gets too cold avoid submerging them in water as often.   An indication of when your Air Plants need to be submerged in water is when the individual leaves start to curl, make wavy patterns.

How do I get the pink tips to appear on my Air Plants?
Not all types of Air Plants can have the tips of their leaves turn pink, but the variety that can requires very bright indirect sunlight to make it pink.  Usually placing them by a north facing window can achieve this effect since the sunlight is usually not as intense.


Non-Living Terrariums

Whether you work in an office without any natural light, or if you have a super busy schedule, non-living terrariums are the best decorations to brighten your space!  The dried moss and flowers I use will stay vibrant for years as long as they are placed away from direct sunlight.  This zero maintenance garden will always look fresh and beautiful, ready for you to enjoy.


High Cholesterol & Diabetes Vegetable

Where should this plant be placed?
Growing outdoor – Since this is a tropical plant, if the cold seasons do not reach below 40F (4.5C), you can plant it in the ground since it does not need to be moved. It can be in full sun, part shade / part sun location. I prefer planting it in a part shade area because the leaves look healthier and more lush since I’m in a dry and hot region. This plant likes moisture, and humidity so planting it in a dry heat spot will cause the leaves to look a bit dull, but they will thrive as long as the soil stays moist.

If you live in a region that has a freezing winter, or reaching below 40F (4.5C), this plant should be kept in a pot so you can bring it indoor when temperature drops to around 40F(4.5C). When it’s brought indoor, it should be kept by a window, a sunny / south facing window preferably.

Growing indoor — Growing this plant in a pot indoor should be placed by a window, a south facing window preferably so it can get get more UV lighting for faster growth. This plant grows fastest in the spring, or when the weather starts to warm up. Make sure to keep the soil moist for best performance.

How often does it need to be transplant?
You can transplant it to a bigger pot so it will allow the plant to grow bigger faster. Transplanting in the warmer seasons, or when it’s not freezing in the winter will be fine. You can transplant it to a larger pot, or to the largest pot you like to keep it in permanently. This plant is hardy, and does not require transplanting every season.

You can prune away (cut back) a bit, or do some light trimming once in a while to allow the plant to grow fuller. Each stem you cut away usually will result in more stems to grow making the plant fuller, and having more to consume!

If you have any food allergies, like I do, try a small sample first. I have no allergies to this plant, and have no found any such case with this vegetable/food.


Ashitaba Vegetable


Where should this plant be placed?
Ashitaba grows best outdoor, or in a greenhouse at 75-85F.  It prefers the soil to be a little moist.  *Note that moist means a little wet, not drowning wet.*  Watering needs is based on the degree of warmth in the location your plant is in. Sometimes the plant may require watering once every few days or once every other day.  In the colder days, lesser water is needed since soil can retain moisture longer.  Keep in mind not to over water or the roots can rot.

In Southern California I grow them in the shade and only gets morning sun.  Depends on where you live, some people grow them in greenhouses or with a plastic bag covering over the plant to keep it warmer when it's cold. Ashitaba can tolerate up to 20F, but it will go dormant in the winter. This means the plant will die back during this period, but it should come back in spring/when weather warms up. (Don't assume the plant is dead and throw it out! It is only dormant stage.) Ashitaba requires soil to stay moist, and fertilizing it monthly during its growing period.

Ashitaba is a biennial plant which means it has about 2-3 years lifespan. After it reaches its full life, the mother plant will flower, seed, and die. Depending on the conditions, seeds should sow and baby plants will be reborn.

What kind of soil does it need?
Ashitaba does best in soil-less soil.  In this case, I used coconut coconut core mixed with a little bit of compost.  Because Ashibata is so nutritious the bugs like it too so growing them in soil-less soil would reduce the chance of bugs eating up your plant!

When does it need to be transplant?
Whenever your plant outgrows its pot, it is time to transplant.  When transplanting, gradually increase the size of your pot each time you re-pot.  It is best to transplant in the late afternoon when the day is cooler, and the wind has calmed.  This will also give the plant the rest of the night to adjust. After transplanting, keep your plant in the shade for a few weeks for it to settle in, otherwise there's a chance of shocking the roots.  I personally like transplanting any plants on a cloudy day because humidity is higher in the air. It's also a cooler and calmer day, which is easier for the plant to adjust to. 

If you have any food allergies, like I do, try a small sample first. I have no allergies to this plant, and have not found any such case with this vegetable/food.
